Jake and Sean

Jake and Sean

On my LDS mission in Costa Rica I met so many wonderful nontraditional families and I have come to understand that LOVE is LOVE. It is beautiful. It is pure. This is our little family: Jake (me), Sean, and little Harvey. We are just beginning our life together and we have never been happier. Both of us grew up in Utah and are proud to call this beautiful land our home. We hope for the day that we can be married and devote all ourselves to raising a beautiful family of our own. We hope for the day that we can live the dreams that are true to who we are, unafraid of judgement and accepted as equals. We strive to be very active in building bridges of communication and understanding so that we can see ourselves less as individuals and more as a community. In the end, we are all part of the human family. We deserve to be treated that way.


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